class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # IDS 702 ## Wrap Up ### Dr. Olanrewaju Michael Akande --- ## Final project presentations - Each student will create/record a 6 minute video presentation of their findings. -- - Findings can be (mostly!) preliminary. -- - Presentations will be graded for: + Understanding of the data/project + Clarity + Communication of findings -- - Each student's presentation must be uploaded by 11:59pm on Sunday, November 15. -- - The presentations MUST be uploaded using the VoiceThread tool on Sakai. -- - Final project reports are due Sunday, November 22, on Gradescope. --- ## Final project presentations - To upload your presentation, go to .hlight[Sakai] `\(\rightarrow\)` .hlight[VoiceThread] `\(\rightarrow\)` .hlight[Add your own]. -- - Click .hlight[Create a new VoiceThread] and drop your media file from your local computer. -- - The title of your file must be written as .hlight[Title of Your Project (Your Full Name)]. -- - Next, click on .hlight[Share]. -- - Under the .hlight[Secure] tab, be sure to select .hlight[IDS.702.01.F20]. -- - Next, click on .hlight[Share] again, and you can close the window once you see .hlight[Success]. --- ## Final project presentations - Finally, each student MUST also watch .hlight[at least four presentations] from the other students. -- - Browse through the titles to find the topics you find interesting. -- - You must leave at least one comment under each video you watch using the .hlight[comment button]. -- - Please leave constructive feedback, questions or suggestions for your classmates. -- - **You will be helping each other a ton by doing so!** -- - Please make sure to watch the videos by Wednesday, November 18. --- ## Other announcements - Please complete the final course surveys in class today. -- - A staff member will join us to help proctor. -- - Also, instrutor and TA office hours will continue until November 20, 2020. --- class: center, middle # Course Wrap Up (Other) ### To be done on the board