class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # IDS 702: Module 3.2 ## Poisson regression (illustration) ### Dr. Olanrewaju Michael Akande --- ## Springbok analysis The data contains counts of springbok antelope around 25 watering holes. <img src="img/springbok2.jpg" height="400px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> The data is in the file `springbok.csv` on Sakai. --- ## Springbok analysis - Springbok are counted at each site (hole) at an altitude of 200-300 meters. -- - A survey normally includes counts at all 25 sites but occasionally some sites could not be counted because of poor weather. -- - For larger groups of springbok, color photographs were taken and springbok were counted later from the photos. -- - Several surveys, usually 7-10, were made each year. -- - Within a year, springbok are faithful to a single site. That is, if a springbok goes to site `\(i\)` on one day, it will return to site `\(i\)` on other days. -- - We want to + Analyze trend + Estimate the effects of predictors --- ## Springbok analysis data - n = 1050 counts from 1990-2002 for sites 12-21, 23, and 24. - The other sites were excluded because they usually don't have many antelope. - Three time variables: year, date (week) and hour from noon. Variable | Description :------------- | :------------ LOCNUMBER | Location Number SITEI | Site YEAR | Year (1990 - 2002) DATE | Week (14 - 42) HourFromNoon | Hour From Noon (Numeric) COUNTS | Springbok Count (Discrete) --- class: center, middle # In-class analysis: move to the R script [here]( --- class: center, middle # What's next? ### Move on to the readings for the next module!